Time series of ocean parameters monitored by FAMRI and partners =============================================================== This directory contains time series based on observations that are regularly updated by FAMRI and other time series provided by FAMRI partners. See header information in the individual files for more details. FAMRI time series: Annual_FB_bottom_temp.txt lists annually averaged temperature of the overflow through the Faroe Bank Channel observed at site NWFB Annual_FC_bottom_temp.txt lists annually averaged temperature of the overflow through the Faroe Bank Channel observed at site NWFC Atlantic_water_East.txt lists characteristic temperature and salinity of the Atlantic water on a standard section East of the Faroes Atlantic_water_North.txt lists characteristic temperature and salinity of the Atlantic water on a standard section North of the Faroes Atlantic_water_South.txt lists characteristic temperature and salinity of the Atlantic water on a standard section South of the Faroes Atlantic_water_West.txt lists characteristic temperature and salinity of the Atlantic water on a standard section West of the Faroes Coastal_Chl_a.txt lists characteristic 'chlorophyll a' of the innermost well-mixed waters surrounding the (northern) Faroe coasts Coastal_salinity.txt lists characteristic salinity of the innermost well-mixed waters surrounding the (northern) Faroe coasts Coastal_temperature.txt lists characteristic temperature of the innermost well-mixed waters surrounding the (northern) Faroe coasts Faroe_Current_transport.txt lists volume transport of the Atlantic water in the Faroe Current through a standard section north of the Faroes FBC_overflow_transport.txt lists volume transport of the overflow through the Faroe Bank Channel OWS-M time series: OWSM_800m.txt lists selected parameters observed at 800 meter depth at OWS-M in the Norwegian Sea OWSM_1000m.txt lists selected parameters observed at 1000 meter depth at OWS-M in the Norwegian Sea