This directory contains data on hydrography (temperature and salinity) in Faroese waters that have been measured by Havstovan (Faroe Marine Research Institute, FAMRI). These data have been obtained from research vessels at fixed positions by lowering a CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth recorder) through the water column. The data are organized into cruises where each cruise is characterized by a cruise number with four letters. The first two digits of the cruise number are the last two digits of the year. As an example, the cruise "0804" is from 2008. Within each cruise there are a number of stations, characterized by the station number, which has 8 digits. The file "All_stations.txt" lists all the stations in the data set with one record per station, which shows the metadata for the station. The data are in the subdirectory "CRUISES" with one file for all the stations on each cruise.